Our Mission:
Your Success
Let’s Work Together
About Us
Our Founder and CEO, Kim Peterson Stone is a three-time business founder, keynote speaker, and leading LinkedIn strategist that has amassed a global following of over 225,000 on LinkedIn. Not only has she authored hundreds of articles on LinkedIn and became a verified thought leader, but she has helped her clients do the same.
Armed with her intimate knowledge of thought leadership, entrepreneurship, and global business communications, Kim uses creative and purpose-driven solutions to develop a strong brand presence, generate targeted leads, and maximize online visibility for clients.
Kim and her stellar Team help you make LinkedIn start working for you by growing robust networks and driving tangible results in sales, marketing, and thought leadership positioning.
The Linkability Team has changed many lives not by selling products but by solving problems, and we can teach you to do the same.
Our Team
Kim Peterson Stone
Freedom, Family, and Team Focused. Purpose Driven. Not Allowed to Touch Template Files or Play Around in Quickbooks.
Rob C Stone
Financial Mastermind, Clint Eastwood on the Outside Teddy Bear on the Inside.
Brittni Fayth Carter
Dog Lover, Fabulous Dad Joke Teller, and All Powerful Pocket Ninja.
Jordan Peterson
Girl mom and Cowboy Boot Wearing Concert Fanatic.
Melanie Peterson
Devout Yogi, Does a Fantastic Voldemort Impression, Devoted Daughter, Sister, and Aunt.
Aleyana Stone
Sassy Wife. Loving Mother. Amateur Zoo Keeper.
Katherine Hurst
Wife and Mom to House Full of Boys. Runs for Fun.
Ready to go from Frustrated to Influential on Linkedin?
Is it time you started achieving measurable results? Discover a wealth of proven strategies and tactics that you and your team can put into action immediately to increase your visibility, engagement, and conversions of your ideal clients!
Watch the following keynotes to learn more about whats possible and what you need to be doing to stay compeditive.